Halo Player and Object Management
Made By: Oxide aka Genocide, urbanyoung.
A Bit of Background Information:
Some of you may not be familiar with how a computer works (from a software side). It is
obviously very complex and so I will just give you the basics (as I understand them).
Computers have an operating system which interfaces with the hardware. Software
developers don’t really need to worry about this͘ The operating system manages all
programs that run on the computer. Each program is assigned some memory for it to use. A
program has two main sections of memory. There is the code section that contains all the
instructions the program uses, and then there’s the data section͘ From the point of view of a
Phasor script, only the data section is relevant. Memory, of course, needs to be referenced
in a way that allows access. This is done through a memory address. A memory address
refers to a specific part of memory within the program.
When Halo loads it reads data from its files and stores it in memory. This data is used to
control the game. It specifies where players spawn, where the guns, vehicles and scenery
are. You get the idea. Now, what happens if we modify this memory?
How Halo Structures Data:
Halo loads data from various map files; it loads textures, shaders, object properties, spawns,
vehicles etc͘ The data is referenced using “tags”͘
“tag” has two basic parts: the type and
the name͘ Let’s look at a shotgun for example͘ Its tag type is ‘weap’ which, as you can guess,
specifies that it’s a weapon͘ Its tag name is ‘weapons\shotgun\shotgun’ which identifies the
unique item within the tag type. When Halo searches for something it first locates the type
data (in this case the data for ‘weap’) and then searches it for the specific data
‘weapons\shotgun\shotgun’͘ Every object can be specified by a tag type and name͘
Here’s the structure of a tag entry:
// Structure of the tag header
struct hTagHeader
DWORD tagType; // ie weap
DWORD unk[2]; // I don't know
DWORD mapid; // unique id
char* tagName; // name of tag
LPBYTE metaData; // data for this tag
DWORD unk1[2]; // I don't know
As you can see a tag entry has a bit more data that just the name and its type. What I want
to mention here is the id. Within a map each tag is assigned a unique id, nothing else within
that map has the same id͘ However, this id isn’t consistent across different maps; this is why
we need the tag type/name too. Internally, Halo generally operates with the mapid when
referencing an object. Because of this, Phasor does too. Phasor lets you find the mapid of an
object with the lookuptag function. It takes the tag type, and its name, and returns the
mapid of that tag. This can be used for specifying which weapon to assign a player.
Every shotgun in a map has the same map id͘ That’s good for generically identifying all
shotguns, but how would we identify a particular shotgun? Halo obviously has a system for
this. It uses what I call object ids. When loading data from a map it finds the generic
information (tag) that contains all the data needed to create an object. When creating the
actual object it assigns them a unique object id. Much like how a mapid is for one tag, an
object id is for one object͘ Given an object id we can find that object’s specific data (or
memory). Again, Phasor handles this for you with the getobject function. Given an object id,
getobject will return the location of that objects memory.
How Halo Manages Players:
That’s the basics of how objects are managed, but what about players? How do they work?
Well, as you know Halo has a hardcoded 16 player limit. This means that every possible
player can be identified by a number, 1 - 16 (in reality 0-15 but we’ll get into that later).
Each player has a 0x200 (512) byte region of memory that stores player specific data. This
includes things like the player’s name, their team, location and speed͘ If we want to modify
this data we, again, need to find the memory address. Phasor can handle this for you with
the getplayer function. Given a player’s memory id getplayer will return the location of that
player’s memory͘
It’s important to note that Halo has two very similar ways of identifying a player͘ The first
and most common way is through the use of memory ids. A memory id is a number ranging
from 0 to 15 that identifies a player. This is the method Phasor uses internally. The second
method is through the use of player or rcon ids. This is the id that’s displayed when you use
sv_players. You can think of it as the user id as it’s really only associated with user inputs (ie
using server commands). The memory id is usually the same as the player id, but not always.
As such Phasor needs to provide a way to convert from one to the other. To convert from a
memory id to a player id you can use resolveplayer and for player to memory rresolveplayer.
This is important when processing user inputs like server commands.
Now that you know how players are identified we can dig a bit deeper. I explained what an
object is in the previous section; make sure you’re familiar with it͘ A player owns an object
but an object does not own a player. This means that every player also has an object. This
object is identified, as you’d expect, through memory ids. The player’s object id is contained
within the player structure (the 0x200 byte allocation of memory) and is at offset 0x34. An
offset is just the difference between the memory base (ie player structure) and the data we
want. As we know where the player’s memory id is located, we can use getobject to find the
player’s object͘
The player’s object contains a lot of information (some of it duplicated in the player
structure)͘ It has things like the player’s weapons, shields, location, walk speed (and much
more). Before I go further I should make something clear. The player structure isn’t always
the real data; the object data is. For example, the x/y/z locations in the player structure are
where the client thinks they are. The x/y/z locations in the object data is where they actually
are. As such you can think of the object data as completely server controlled, whereas the
player structure isn’t͘ This isn’t too important until we get into wanting to move an object͘
Practical Uses of this Information:
By now I hope you have a basic understanding of how Halo manages data. This information
is the basis of some of the stuff Phasor does. Things like changing weapons, getting weapon
info, making a player invisible, ‘teleporting’ objects, modifying damage, changing a player’s
speed all derive from this basic understanding.
Let’s analyze one of the functions in my Infection script͘ I’ll use one of the more complicated
ones, OnObjectInteraction͘ I won’t paste the whole function in one go as it’s quite large͘ You
should have a reference copy open though so you can see it all together.
-- regardless of the team, stop people taking the flag
if tagType == "weap" then
if tagName == "weapons\\flag\\flag" then
response = 0
The above code stops a player from taking the flag in Capture the Flag. It should seem quite familiar
to you now͘ First, it checks the tag type to see if it’s a weapon͘ It then checks to see if the tag name
matches that of the flag. If it does, it sets response to 0͘ If you’ve read the scripting guide/the rest of
the function, you’ll see that making response 0 blocks the object interaction͘ s such, by checking
the tag data I was able to stop people picking up flags. Moving on.
elseif tagName == "powerups\\active camouflage" then
-- check if the picking player is already invisible
local m_player = getplayer(player)
if m_player ~= 0 then
local m_playerObjId = readdword(m_player, 0x34)
local m_object = getobject(m_playerObjId)
This code again makes use of the tag name, checking to see if we’re interacting with active
camouflage͘ If so it will find the player’s memory using getplayer. It then uses the readdword
function (see Phasor Scripting Guide) to read the data at m_player + 0x34. As I mentioned earlier,
this is the player’s object’s memory id͘ This is then used in a getobject call to get the memory
address of the object. If we keep looking we see:
if m_object ~= 0 then
local camoFlag = readdword(m_object, 0x204)
if camoFlag ~= 0x51 then
It then reads the data at m_object + 0x204. This is the offset for the camoFlag, which is a
value specifying whether or not the player is currently camouflaged͘ If it doesn’t equal 0x51
the player isn’t camouflaged͘ I’ve had many people ask what this bit of code does, but when
you understand the basics of it it’s really quite, well, basic͘ The scripts I’ve made use a bit of
memory modification, which is all this is. I find the object and then I find the data. You can
also see this with the OnWeaponCreation function.
writeword(m_weapon, 0x2B6, 600)
--writeword(m_weapon, 0x2B8, 1600)
I simply write a value (600) to memory and tada, the weapon’s ammunition has changed͘
The hardest part about this is finding the offsets.
Finding the right offsets for the right data is the most difficult part of using the scripting
system well͘ I don’t expect many of you to be able to find them͘ I had to analyze how Halo
runs to find many of them. However, quite a few people have messed around with Halo
before. You can use what they found out.
You may or may not be aware of map modding. Basically you change some data within the
map files and that changes how the map appears (weapons can have different properties;
you can have new objects etc). This is easy enough to do as there are two main programs for
it. HMT (Halo Map Tools) and Eschaton. Both of these programs use plugins which are in the
XML format, which you can view in a text editor like Notepad. These plugins include the
offsets the data’s out͘ Unfortunately, the lowest unit Phasor can edit is a byte (which is 8
bits) and so Phasor can’t edit all of the data that map tools can. However, it can do a fair bit.
I’ll give you an example of finding the offset͘
<name>Maximum Damage (Min)</name>
<info>Maximum damage caused (minimum of the max range)</info>
This is an excerpt from HMT’s weap plugin. As you can see, the offset is surrounded by
<offset></offset>. There is also a description of what it does below, and its type above. If you look at
my Infection script, OnDamageLookup you’ll see:
local max_dmg_min = readfloat(tagdata, 0x1D4)
As you can see, I use the same offset in my code and use the float data type. You can do this for
other tags and values, there are many plugins (look at Eschaton ones too!).
Here’s a list of the offsets I’ve found͘ I had many more but can’t find where they got saved͘
struct vect3d
float x;
float y;
float z;
// Some structure issues were clarified thanks to the code at:
// http://code.google.com/p/halo-
struct G_Object // generic object header
DWORD mapId; // 0x0000
long unk[3]; // 0x0004
char unkBits : 2; // 0x0010
bool ignoreGravity : 1;
char unk1 : 4;
bool noCollision : 1; // has no collision box, projectiles etc pass
right through
char unkBits1[3];
unsigned long timer; // 0x0014
char empty[0x44]; // 0x0018
vect3d location; // 0x005c
vect3d velocity; // 0x0068
vect3d rotation; // 0x0074 (not sure why this is used, doesn't yaw do
vect3d axial; // 0x0080 (yaw, pitch, roll)
vect3d unkVector; // 0x008C (not sure, i let server deal with it)
char unkChunk[0x28]; // 0x0098
unsigned long ownerPlayer; // 0x00c0 (index of owner (if has one))
unsigned long ownerObject; // 0x00c4 (object id of owner, if
projectile is player id)
char unkChunk1[0x18]; // 0x00c8
float health; // 0x00e0
float shield; // 0x00e4
char unkChunk2[0x10]; // 0x00e8
vect3d location1; // 0x00f8 set when in a vehicle unlike other one.
best not to use tho (isnt always set)
char unkChunk3[0x10]; // 0x0104
unsigned long veh_weaponId; // 0x0114
unsigned long player_curWeapon; // 0x0118
unsigned long vehicleId; // 0x011C
BYTE bGunner; // 0x0120
short unkShort; // 0x0121
BYTE bFlashlight; // 0x0123
long unkLong; // 0x0124
float shield1; // 0x0128 (same as other shield)
float flashlightCharge; // 0x012C (1.0 when on)
long unkLong1; // 0x0130
float flashlightCharge1; // 0x0134
long unkChunk4[0x2f]; // 0x0138
struct G_Biped
char unkChunk[0x10]; // 0x1F4
long invisible; // 0x204 (0x41 inactive, 0x51 active. probably
bitfield but never seen anything else referenced)
struct aFlags // these are action flags, basically client button
//these don't actually control whether or not an event occurs
bool crouching : 1; // 0x0208 (a few of these bit flags are
thanks to halo devkit)
bool jumping : 1; // 2
char UnknownBit : 2; // 3
bool Flashlight : 1; // 5
bool UnknownBit2 : 1; // 6
bool actionPress : 1; // 7 think this is just when they
initially press the action button
bool melee : 1; // 8
char UnknownBit3 : 2; // 9
bool reload : 1; // 11
bool primaryWeaponFire : 1; // 12 right mouse
bool secondaryWeaponFire : 1; // 13 left mouse
bool secondaryWeaponFire1 : 1; // 14
bool actionHold : 1; // 15 holding action button
char UnknownBit4 : 1; // 16
} actionFlags;
char unkChunk1[0x26]; // 0x020A
unsigned long cameraX; // 0x0230
unsigned long cameraY; // 0x0234
char unkChunk2[0x6f]; // 0x238
BYTE bodyState; // 0x2A7 (2 = standing, 3 = crouching, 0xff =
invalid, like in vehicle)
char unkChunk3[0x50]; // 0x2A8
unsigned long primaryWeaponId; // 0x2F8
unsigned long secondaryWeaponId; // 0x2FC
unsigned long tertiaryWeaponId; // 0x300
unsigned long ternaryWeaponId; // 0x304
char unkChunk4[0x18]; // 0x308
BYTE zoomLevel; // 0x320 (0xff - no zoom, 0 - 1 zoom, 1 - 2 zoom etc)
BYTE zoomLevel1; // 0x321
char unkChunk5[0x1AA]; // 0x322
BYTE isAirbourne; // 0x4CC (only when not in vehicle)
// Partial structure of the player structure
struct hPlayerStructure
WORD playerJoinCount; // 0x0000
WORD localClient; // 0x0002 always FF FF on a dedi in Halo is
00 00 if its your player
wchar_t playerName[12]; //0x0004
DWORD unk; // 0x001C only seen FF FF FF FF
DWORD team; // 0x0020
DWORD m_interactionObject; // 0x0024 ie Press E to enter THIS
WORD interactionType; // 0x0028 8 for vehicle, 7 for weapon
WORD interactionSpecifier; // 0x002A which seat of car etc
DWORD respawnTimer; // 0x002c
DWORD unk2; // 0x0030 only seen empty
DWORD m_playerObjectid; // 0x0034
DWORD m_oldObjectid; // 0x0038
DWORD unkCounter; // 0x003C sometimes changes as you move, fuck
DWORD empty; // 0x0040 always FF FF FF FF, never accessed
DWORD bulletUnk; // 0x0044 changes when the player shoots
wchar_t playerNameAgain[12]; // 0x0048
WORD playerNum_NotUsed; // 0x0060 seems to be the player
number.. never seen it accessed tho
WORD empty1; // 0x0062 byte allignment
BYTE playerNum; // 0x0064 player number used for rcon etc (ofc
this is 0 based tho)
BYTE unk_PlayerNumberHigh; // 0x0065 just a guess
BYTE team_Again; // 0x0066
BYTE unk3; // 0x0067 idk, probably something to do with player
DWORD unk4; // 0x0068 only seen 0, it wont always be 0 tho
float speed; // 0x006C
DWORD unk5[11]; // 0x0070 16 bytes of FF? then 4 0, some data,
rest 0... meh idk about rest either
WORD kills; // 0x009C
WORD idk; // 0x009E byte allignment?
DWORD unk6; // 0x00A0 maybe to do with scoring, not sure
WORD assists; // 0x00A4
WORD unk7; // 0x00A6 idk byte allignment?
DWORD unk8; // 0x00A8
WORD betrayals; // 0x00AC
WORD deaths; // 0x00AE
WORD suicides; // 0x00B0
// cbf with the rest
BYTE rest[0x14E]; // 0x00B2