A guide to scripting with Phasor
Made By: Oxide aka Genocide, urbanyoung.
Phasor Scripting
I’ve removed an introduction I made for Lua from this guide͘ The main reason for doing so is
that it wasn’t very good, and people have told me they would like the make one͘
Before reading this guide I recommend you take a look at guide to Halo’s Player and
Object Management as it explains stuff like memory ids, player ids, object ids, memory
addresses, tags and offsets.
Listed below are functions that Phasor exports, or gives scripts access to. If a function fails to
execute, nil is return. So, check against nil for validity.
General functions:
hprintf(message) - This function takes a string of text and prints it to the server
console. If processing an rcon command the text is also forwarded to the player
using rcon.
resolveplayer(player) - This function resolves a player’s memory id to their rcon (or
player) id. The input is 0 based and the output is 1 based.
rresolveplayer(player) - This function resolves a player’s rcon (or player) id into their
memory id. The input is 1 based and output is 0 based.
getobject(m_objId) - This function resolves an object id to the object’s memory
address. This address can be used in subsequent memory operations (see below).
getplayer(player) - This function resolves a player’s memory id to their memory
address. This address can be used in subsequent memory operations (see below).
changeteam(player) - This function changes the specified player’s team͘
kill(player) - This function kills the specified player.
applycamo(player, duration) - This function makes a player invisible (camo) for the
specified duration. 0 represents an infinite duration. The effect wears off when the
player dies.
getteam(player) - This function returns a player’s team͘
lookuptag(tagType, tag) - This function requires both the tag type (ie weap) and the
tag name. It returns the map id of the tag.
setspeed(player, speed) - This function changes the specified player’s movement
speed. The default speed is 1.0. The greater the speed the more apparent lag is.
say(msg) - This function sends the specified message to the server. Note: only ASCII
characters are supported due to Lua’s lack of unicode support.
Phasor Scripting
privatesay(player, msg) - This function sends a server message to the specific player.
Note: only ASCII characters are supported due to Lua’s (lack of) unicode support͘
registertimer(delay, callback, opt: userdata1, userdata2 ...) - This function can be
used to create timers. The delay is in milliseconds so 1000 = 1 second. When the
time runs out the function specified by callback is called. This callback function
should return 1 to reset (reuse) the timer or 0 to remove it. You can use userdata to
specify any custom data you wish but it must only be of type string, number,
boolean. The return value is the id of the created timer. The callback function should
be declared with the following arguments (in this order): id, count, opt: userdata1,
userdata2, ... Count is the number of times the timer has been called.
removetimer(id) -This function is used to remove (stop) a timer previously
registered with registertimer.
getrandomnumber(min, max) - This function returns a psuedo random number
between the two specified limts.
getname(player) - This function returns the name of the specified player. The name
is returned in ASCII format, not unicode.
gethash(player) - This function returns the cdkey hash of the specified player.
getteamsize(team) -This function returns the number of players on the specified
svcmd(cmd) -This function executes the specified server command. Note: Any player
indicies should be of the PLAYER id (see resolveplayer).
movobjcoords(m_objectId, x, y, z) - This function moves an object to the specified
movobjname(m_objectId, name) - This function moves an object to the coordinates
specfied by the named location.
updateammo(m_weaponId) - This function sends a packet which causes an ammo
changes made to the specified weapon sync correctly.
getplayerobjectid(player) - This function returns a player’s object id, should be
checked against 0xffffffff to check if it exists.
getobjectcoords(m_objectId) - This function returns the current coordinates of the
specified object. If the object is a player and is in a vehicle, the coordinates of the
vehicle is returned. Example: local x,y,z = getobjectcoords(objId)
Phasor Scripting
isadmin(player) - This function checks if a player is an admin. Returns true if they are
or false if not.
createobject(tagType, tag, parentId, respawnTime, bRecycle, x, y, z) - This function
creates an object and returns the new object’s id͘ tagType is the type of tag, ie
“weap”, tag is the absolute name of the tag, ie “weapons\\pistol\\pistol”, parentId is
the object id of the parent, respawnTime specifies how many seconds inactive
Phasor should wait before respawning the object (0 for no respawn, -1 for gametype
value). bRecycle specifies whether the object should respawn or be destroyed once
the respawnTime runs out. x,y,z are the coordinates the object spawns at. Note:
When spawning items with an item collection tag (weapons, nades, powerups)
bRecycle is ignored and respawnTime is considered to be destruction time (time until
object is destroyed).
destroyobject(m_objectId) - This function destroys the object specified by
m_objectId. Care should be taken to make sure the passed id is valid, otherwise the
server may crash.
assignweapon(player, m_objectId) - This function gives a player the weapon
specified my m_objectId. The given weapon becomes their active weapon. This
function only works if there is room for the weapon to go. (max 4 weapons).
entervehicle(player, m_vehicleId, seat) - This function forces a player into the
specified vehicle. Care should be taken that a player is not currently in a vehicle. Seat
specifies what seat the player will enter: 0 (driver), 1 (passenger), 2 (gunner)
exitvehicle(player) - This function forces a player to leave their current vehicle.
getprofilepath() - This function returns the location of the server’s data path (that is,
where the banlist is stored).
Tokenization Functions:
The below functions are used for manipulating strings. You don’t need to use these if you don’t want to. Lua
provides you with the tools to make this yourself. However, I’m familiar with C++ and as such used it to save
time. The cmd tokenization functions tokenize at a space, however all spaces are ignored within a “ “ block.
gettokencount(source, delim) - This function gets the number of times the delimiter
appears in a source string.
gettoken(source, delim, token) - This function returns the specified token within a
string. Note: Tokens start at 0.
getcmdtokencount(source) - This function returns the number of command tokens
within the specified string.
Phasor Scripting
getcmdtoken(source, token) - This function returns the specified command token.
Note: Tokens start at 0.
Memory Operations:
The below functions are used to manipulate memory. They all require a base address and an offset. The data is
read/written from base + offset.
readbit(data, data_offset, bit_offset) - This function returns the bit at the specified
memory location and offset. A bit is either 0 or 1. bit_offset specifies which bit of the
specified byte is to be read, must be between 0 and 7.
readbyte(data, offset) - This function returns the byte at the specified memory
location. A byte is 8 bits.
readword(data, offset) - This function returns the word at the specified memory
location. A word is 16 bits.
readdword(data, offset) - This function returns the dword at the specified memory
location. A dword is 32 bits.
readfloat(data, offset) - This function returns the float at the specified memory
location. A float is 32 bits. The different between a float and a dword is how the data
is processed. Floats allow for decimalized numbers (ie 1.2) whereas a dword does
writebit(data_addr, data_offset, bit_offset, bit) - This function writes the specified
bit to the specified address.
writebyte(data_addr, offset, data) - This function writes the specified data to the
specified address.
writeword(data_addr, offset, data) - This function writes the specified data to the
specified address.
writedword(data_addr, offset, data) - This function writes the specified data to the
specified address.
writefloat(data_addr, offset, data) - This function writes the specified data to the
specified address.
Phasor makes heavy use of events that happen within game. Scripts get notified when the
below events happen. You should note that when Phasor notifies scripts of events it calls
the function whose name matches that of the event. You should also note that only
functions that say so should have a return value.
Phasor Scripting
OnScriptLoad(process) - This is called when a script has been successfully loaded.
The parameter is the process id of the current process.
OnScriptUnload() - This is called when a script is being unloaded.
OnNewGame(map) - This is called when a new game starts. The parameter is the
name of the map that is running.
OnGameEnd(mode) - This is called 3 times as the game ends. Possible mode values:
1 - The game just ended (F1 scorecard is being displayed).
2 - The post game scorecard is displayed.
3 - Players can quit via the post game scorecard.
OnServerChat(player, chattype, message) - This is called when there is any chat
within the server. Note: message is in ASCII. Possible chattype values:
1 - All chat.
2 - Team chat.
3 - Vehicle chat.
Return value: This represents whether or not the message should be sent to the rest
of the server. 1 allows the message, 0 blocks it.
OnServerCommand(player, command) - This is called when there’s a server
command to process͘ ‘player’ represents the player executing the command, if it is -
1 then the command is executed through the server console.
Return value: This represents whether or not to continue the processing of the
command. 1 allows it, 0 blocks it.
OnTeamDecision(cur_team) - This is called when a player is being assigned a team.
This function being called does not guarantee that the player will join the server.
Return value: This represents the team the player should be on.
OnPlayerJoin(player, team) - This is called when a player successfully joins the
server. If a join notification is received, a leave notification will also be received as
the player leaves (see OnPlayerLeave).
OnPlayerLeave(player, team) - This is called when a player leaves the server.
10. OnPlayerKill(killer, victim, mode) - This is called when a player is killed. The victim is
always a valid player index, however killer may not be depending on the value of
mode. Possible mode values:
Phasor Scripting
0 - The player was killed by the server.
1 - The player was killed by falling.
2 - The player was killed by the guardians.
3 - The player was killed by a vehicle.
4 - The player was killed by another. Killer is valid.
5 - The player was betrayed by another. Killer is valid.
6 - The player committed suicide.
11. OnKillMultiplier(player, multiplier) - This is called when a player receives a kill
multiplier (ie double kill). Possible multiplier values:
0x07 - Double kill
0x09 - Triple kill
0x0A - Killtacular
0x0B - Killing spree
0x0C - Running riot
0x0D - Betrayed
0x0E - Killtacular with score
0x0F - Triple kill with score
0x10 - Double kill with score
0x11 - Running riot with score
0x12 - Killing spree with score.
Please note that the function isn’t called with all these values, they are just the
possible values. Values with the score are generally used in Slayer.
12. OnPlayerSpawn (player, m_objectId) - This is called just before clients (players) are
notified of a player spawning͘ m_objectId is the specified player’s new object id͘ All
object data that is modified here will sync.
13. OnPlayerSpawnEnd (player, m_objectId) - This is called just after clients (players) are
notified of a player spawning. m_objectId is the specified player’s new object id͘
Object data that is modified here may not sync.
14. OnWeaponReload(player, weapon) - This is called as a player attempts to reload,
weapon is the object id of the weapon they’re reloading͘
Return value: This represents whether or not to allow the reload. 1 allows it, 0 blocks
Phasor Scripting
15. OnTeamChange(relevant, player, team, dest_team) - This is called when a player is
changing team. If relevant is 0 then the return value is ignored and the team change
cannot be stopped.
Return values: The return value is only considered if ‘relevant’ is 1 and indicates
whether or not the change should be allowed. 1 allows the change, 0 blocks it. Be
careful with this function and multiple scripts as relevant can still be 1, even if the
return value isn’t considered.
16. OnObjectInteraction(player, m_ObjectId, tagType, tagName) - This is called when a
player interacts with an object. An interaction is defined as either standing over the
object or attempting to use it (pickup weapon, grenades etc). m_ObjectId is the id of
the object that the player’s interacting with. You can get information about what
kind of object it is with the tagType and tagName parameters. For a list of tag
types/tag names see guide to Halo’s Player and Object Management.
Return value: This represents whether or not to allow the interaction. 1 allows it, 0
blocks it.
17. OnVehicleEntry(relevant, player, vehicleId, vehicle_tag, seat) - This is called when a
player attempts to enter a vehicle. relevant specifies whether the vehicle entry can
be stopped (using the script function entervehicle() is not stoppable).
Return value: This represents whether or not they’re allowed to enter. 1 allows it, 0
blocks it.
18. OnVehicleEject(player, forceEject) - This is called when a player is about to leave a
vehicle. forceEject specifies whether or not the player is actioning the event or if the
vehicle has flipped, causing the ejection.
Return value: This represents whether or not they’re allowed to leave the vehicle͘ 1
allows it, 0 blocks it.
19. OnDamageLookup(receiving_obj, causing_obj, tagdata, tagname) - This is called
when damage needs to be done to an object. receiving_obj is always valid although
causing_obj isn’t and should be checked against -1 for validity. tagdata is the data for
the damage to be applied and tagname is the type of damage being applied.
20. OnWeaponAssignment(player, object, count, tag) - This is called when a player is
being assigned a weapon as they spawn. count refers to the weapon being assigned
and is 0 for primary, 1 for secondary etc.
Return value: This represents the map id of the weapon to assign, return 0 if you
don’t wish to change it͘
Phasor Scripting
21. OnObjectCreation(m_objectId, player_owner, tag) - This is called when an object is
being created. player_owner is the player who owns the object and is not always
valid, check for validity before using.
22. OnClientUpdate(player, m_objectId) - This is called when a client sends the server
an update packet. This includes things such as movement vectors, camera positions,
button presses etc. This function is called frequently so care should be taken to keep
processing to a minimum.
Note, while this isn’t really an event notification it is a required function.
GetRequiredVersion() - Phasor calls this function as the script loads (before
OnScriptLoad) and it should return the version of Phasor the script is compatible
with. This function being called does not guarantee the script will load. Phasor will
reject it if the versions are incompatible.
Specific Things to Note:
Executing Server Commands:
You can execute server commands via scripts. This is done via the svcmd function. Lua
doesn’t really have data types and as such using this command is quite simple.
Let’s say you want to kick a player͘ s Phasor doesn’t explicitly have a kicking function you’d
want to use svcmd.
svcmd(“sv_kick “ ͘͘ rconPlayer).
The “..” is used to build the string, it merges “sv_kick “ with the data in rconPlayer. So, if we
local rconPlayer = 5
svcmd(“sv_kick “ ͘͘ rconPlayer)
We’d effectively be doing: “sv_kick 5”
You need to take particular care when using svcmd. Phasor generally uses memory ids, not
player ids. This causes an issue because svcmd operates on player ids. To solve this issue you
need to call “resolveplayer”, which will resolve a memory id into a player id. Below is an
example of how to kick the player with memory id 5.
local rconPlayer = resolveplayer(5)
svcmd(“sv_kick “ ͘͘ rconPlayer)
Phasor Scripting
I’ve made another .pdf file regarding halo concepts and structures, it explains the
difference between a memory and a player id (among other things).
Phasor Scripting
That’s all I really plan to explain in this guide͘ Hopefully you’ve read my other two guides
and are starting to understand this stuff. If you haven’t and are confused about things like
memory, ids, tags etc then you should definitely give them a read.
If you want to learn more about Lua I highly recommend you read the offical Lua site,
http://www.lua.org/ google usually finds results that are on this site. So, both work I guess.
I hope this guide makes the scritping stuff easier to understand. I released Phasor without
much documentation and expected people to figure it out for themselves. That was stupid,
but hopefully it’s been fixed͘
If you need additional help feel free to message me͘ It’s probably easiest if you message me
on the Phasor bug forum, which is at http://phasor.proboards.com
Thanks for reading and good luck...